Carolina – pt.2

As promised, here’s part 2 of our vacation :)

IMG_2745Look what we found in Myrtle Beach!! A Texas Rangers minor league team — hubs was in Heaven. We couldn’t resist going so he could look at some prospects. AND we got our very first ball — an outfielder tossed it to us when we stood up in our Rangers apparel and yelled WE LOVE THE RANGERS! He laughed, probably thinking “look at those dummies who came all the way from Texas to sit in the rain” ;)

IMG_2721and this is how good a wife I am — it was pouring down rain the entire game. I must really love this guy.

IMG_2750It rained one day, so we went to the outlet malls to get out of the house.

IMG_2747me and mom and my niece, always being the goofball.

IMG_2755funny story behind this — the littlest niece, C is only 2. She found my wedding rings one day and ran off with them.  I chased her onto the balcony, and then started panicking that she would throw them off. My sister and brother-in-law had to WRESTLE the rings off of her while she screamed. Ever since then, she kept saying “I want diamond rings too, I want diamond rings!” Hilarious. So my other sister’s fiance bought them ring pops instead :)

IMG_2762Yep – shopaholic. See all those rings on her hand?! Diamond rings, I’m telling ya.

IMG_2761And purses. She loves purses.

IMG_2774always the diva.



Last morning  – definitely cried saying goodbye to them.

IMG_2825I said “make a sad face since we’re leaving Carolina” — this is what I got. Meanie.


What a beautiful reminder of how God’s thoughts for us outnumber the sands on EVERY shore. I can’t even comprehend it.

Carolina – part 1

Wow! It’s been a while since I’ve written – July went by so quickly. But God worked in BIG ways for us — especially after reading through my post on waiting.  I was so impatient with waiting, but God provided.

A lot has happened since I wrote – we got this WONDERFUL piece of news.


Yay!! All glory goes to our faithful and GOOD Lord! The only downside to Mom’s surgery is that the surgeons decided she needed to go ahead with radiation – which will add 8 weeks of additional treatment onto everything. But the cancer is NOT in her lymph node which was the news we were all desperately praying for! This means that, though the cancer is spreading fast, it has not spread to her organs!

Also – I AM EMPLOYED AGAIN! Another total God-thing. I was feeling really down on myself lately, even though I had had an interview with a company for a job that I just didn’t feel was…right. I came home from the interview, and E’s mother was visiting us, so I vented to her. She is the best mother in law I could have ever hoped or prayed for…such an encouragement to me. She listened to me, and reminded me that I would find something that was a fit for me… And then my phone rang, with another interview for a job I had REALLY wanted, but since it had been 2 months, I figured I didn’t get it. And then a week later, an hour before we left for vacation, I got the call of them offering me the job! God provided, and closed the door to the job I didn’t want, while opening the door to the one I had wanted, but given up on. I start in a week, and I am so excited to finally be doing something I’ve dreamt of since graduating.

This past week, we’ve been at the beach in my home state with my family. It was a trip we’ve had planned for months, but the timing was perfect – Mom’s first chemo is next week, so she was able to spend a week with all her kids and grand kids before she’ll be unable to travel for the next 9 months. It was a week spent spending time with Mom and trying to lift her spirits as much as we could, to get her through the next few months. I loooove my family – we don’t get together as often as we want since we’re all spread out (NC, KS, TX). It was a week filled with peeing your pants type of laughter, encouragement, wine, junk food, sunburns, inside jokes and memories, and love. Here’s some pics of the first couple days.

20130803-144345.jpgHad to take a selfie…sorry not sorry.


My sister with our two nieces – B and C. This explains the girls’ personality PERFECTLY.

IMG_2677She LOVES Uncle E. She asked me if she could wake him up every morning. I’d let her in, and she’d curl up next to him and “sleep”.





IMG_2699the girls.

IMG_2702and the BEST part of the trip — my sister got us three girls and Mom rings to signify our bond and ties to each other as the girls in the family. A few weeks after she ordered them, we learned of the cancer. We all started crying when we put these on, because it signified the ties we have SO much more. Now, I can look down at my hand and see this ring and know that I’m connected to my sisters and mom.  It was the best present I’ve ever gotten (next to my engagement ring, which my husband is demanding I add. love you E!)

Part 2 coming in a few days…. :)